Authorize Flash bots and Bobu to create an account link?

You are creating an account link on Flashbots that allows anybody with the link to post once from your X account if their post passes the LLM-enforced safeguard. By continuing, you are agreeing to these terms.

You are getting the following security guarantees:

  • This page is served from the backend running in a trusted execution environment (TEE).
  • Even if the frontend you are using is compromised, this page still gives you the following guarantee: If an account link is created, then you approved the LLM safeguard and clicked “continue” once. For example, if you only click “continue” 5 times, at most 5 posts will be made.
  • We will not try to protect the one-time-tokens themselves – they are shared with the frontend website for convenience.
  • The account link owner is restricted to only be able to post subject to LLM filter; they cannot follow/unfollow/like/post/repost/DM/update your account settings.
  • Confused Bobu


    Sign up for the show of a lifetime on Thursday, October 10th, and just trust ole Bobu to blow your mind.

    But actually though. Bobu is working with Flashbots, who is creating novel use cases with TEE (trusted execution environment) technology. Even if you don't trust Bobu, you can still verify the permissions you're granting via blockchain.

    info on permissions